The Altar and Flower Guild
The Altar and Flower Guild is a group whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens. Members prepare the sanctuary for services, and clean up afterwards. They also decorate the sanctuary with flowers. We are told that all things must be done "properly and in good order." It is the work of the Altar Guild that makes it possible to do so.
St. Christopher’s Altar Guild exists to assist the Clergy and carry out the wishes of the Rector in regard to the care and preparation of the altar. Members must earnestly dedicate themselves to their work by placing love for Christ above all personal feelings and by working together with the Clergy and fellow members in peace, devotion and loyalty. The external manifestation of this spirit is the cleanliness, punctuality, care and reverence with which members carry out the duties that support worship in God’s house.
It is a very great privilege to serve God in this way. The housekeeping and decoration of God’s house should be done with sincere devotion and dignity in good taste.
Attitude of Members on Duty:
Take the work as coming from the Lord. Offer it to Him. Do it for Him. Leave it with Him. Kneel at the chancel rail for a few moments of silent prayer. "This work is for God's house. May I do it worthily."
The work usually takes place when the church is empty of persons. After the service do not enter the sanctuary until most of the people have left the nave of the church.
All preparation for a service should be completed at least fifteen minutes before the service begins.
Considerate of Others
The Director should be sure all members understand their duties and the exact time the work is to be done. No member should fail to do his/her assigned duty. When a member is unable to serve, she or he should arrange for another member to be their substitute and be sure to notify the team leader and the Director. All members should be loyal to the Altar Guild ministry, the rector and the church. They should cooperate at all times, remembering that their service is to God.